Sunday, October 3, 2010

This is the Day that the Lord has Made

Sundays can so easily fall into one of those day where you get caught up trying to get caught up!!! We often spend Saturdays either involved in school activities or playing. That often leaves me trying to do all of the chores I didn't get done throughout the week on Sunday. I am trying to instead focus on how blessed I am and spend Sunday worshiping my God.

I know that 1) I should be grateful all the time and worship and praise God every day. Yes. Yes. That I will like to do. But I still want Sundays to be even MORE.

I also know that 2) chores still have to happen.

So while I did get some chores on this Sunday afternoon, I decided to praise God while doing them.

Here is my gratitude list for this Lord's Day:
* I praise God that the Grass has grown so tall as I mowed. It is evidence that we are not in a drought as we have faced in other years. I praise Him that I am healthy and strong that I can do this physical activity.

*As I wash the dishes I praise God that we have a healthy meal for our Family AND a husband who is such a talented cook and willing to share his gift.

*As I do laundry I praise God that we are so blessed that we have more clothes than we need, that we have running water and working appliances.

What are your blessing that you are grateful for on this Lord's Day??


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