We have lived here on our little farm for about eleven years. We have had many different sorts of livestock and animals--most being 4-H projects for the kids. I lived inside the city limits growing up and was limited to the basic cat and dog choice of pets AND what we had and when we got pets was always up to mom and dad. Now that I am the mom and I have all of this room I tend to feel the need to go wild. Lucky, Dennis does keep me in check or we would have a zoo.
We have had pigs, rabbits, chickens (for projects--not free range)--we still have goats (ugh) and now have two horses (which I love). We have had dogs and, of course, still have farm cats. At the feed store Friday--for some reason-- I decided our farm needed ducks.
Dennis was not in agreement and is not all too pleased. They are adorable, however, and I am sure they will win him over very soon.
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